So Simone Biles has basically been cheating all this time?

So Simone Biles has basically been cheating all this time?

So Simone Biles has basically been cheating all this time?

Generalso Simone Biles has basically been cheating all this time?

been reading alot of articles on Biles, we’ll never really know why she quit in the middle of competition unless she makes some kind of confession cause she keeps changing her story, only thing that’s been consistent is that she was taking some drug since the the 2016 Olympics, some think its either Ritalin or Adderall, and in Japan Biles didn’t have access to it or something, but anyway when it comes performance enhancement its usually focused on doping, imo if you’re taking drugs that help you mentally focus or get rid of anxiety then you’re also cheating because that gives you an advantage over your competition



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