Gusty Wrong is right for Trump in golf and life, By Bunmi MakinwaWrong is right for Trump in golf and life, By Bunmi Makinwa tonight, temps reaching 60 on Friday

Gusty Wrong is right for Trump in golf and life, By Bunmi MakinwaWrong is right for Trump in golf and life, By Bunmi Makinwa tonight, temps reaching 60 on Friday

In golf and in life, Trump is wrong, Makinwa Bunmi.

No matter how you look at it, Trump’s golf game adds another indelible stain that makes him a deeply flawed person.






There are several explanations or attempts to explain why Trump cheats. Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes, co-author of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, said: “He exaggerates his golf scores and handicaps, so he exaggerates everything. Necessary. This shows all the hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder. People with this disorder are not aware of it.”

Beginning with President William Howard Taft in 1909, nearly every American president has played golf. President Donald Trump is known to be a good golfer, but he stands out as the only person who regularly and consistently cheats. He once asked the players on his team to see if they cheated because everyone else cheated. This is a false claim, but it was his way of justifying such illegal actions.

Golf, unlike many other sports, does not have umpires or umpires who watch the players and score them. They are primarily self-directed and rely primarily on self-esteem. During a match, players report their scores to teammates who can check and record the scores. Golf has been called a gentleman’s game, a respectable game and a game of high moral standards. This is not to say that all golfers have high moral standards. Some players can have their points taken away if they are caught cheating. Potential compensation is eliminated. In particular, club membership or the ability to play on the field may be restricted.

Most importantly, the cheater loses the respect of his peers. Fortunately, only a small percentage of golfers actually cheat, and being accused of cheating in golf is one of the worst signs that can affect a golfer.


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