Luke Humphreys scores 170 against Luke Littler in the final of the World Darts Championship.

Luke Humphreys scores 170 against Luke Littler in the final of the World Darts Championship.
Luke Littler was branded “disgusting” and “annoying” during the World Darts Championship final.
Luke Littler has been branded “disgusting, nasty and dirty” after being awarded an incredible 122 points in the World Darts Championship final against Luke Humphreys. The 16-year-old darts sensation impressed as he hit two triple 18s before beating his opponent with a double 7. He spoke about his skills by pursing his lips during Wayne Mardle’s commentary on Sky Sports. Luke Littler has been branded “disgusting, nasty and dirty” after being awarded 122 points in the World Darts Championship final against Luke Humphreys.
Momentum in the final went back to world number one Humphreys and Littler got the better of both before coming out on top. Littler was a dart away from taking a 5-2 lead, but in the end Humphreys was too good for the youngster and he played five straight sets to win the Sid Waddell Trophy after amassing an impressive 23,180. We won 7:4.