Sainz melancholic after losing key ally to Verstappen

Seinz’s depression after losing an important ally to Verstappen
“I can’t sum up eight years in one video, but this is an idea of what it means to me,” Sainz wrote on social media.
“2023 will be Rupert’s last year with Team 55. We cannot thank you enough for all the work and support you have given us during this time. Not only did we train together and fight for the same goal, but we also had fun. Good luck, Ruperto!”
Manwaring also shared a farewell letter thanking Sainz. “Thank you for eight years of fun and exciting friendship.”
“I couldn’t talk about it when we were together, but I learned as much from you as you did (if you ever heard it). It was a very hard journey and we grew up together. I also met the wonderful wife and mother of my daughter who is the true leader of Team 55.
“Thanks to you, I became a good trainer. It has been an honor to watch you grow from pure talent to Ferrari driver and race winner. You are “the smoothest” and “the most ruthless operator”. Thank you for your tolerance and unbiased criticism of my hairstyle. I hope only good things happen in the future.”