Tiger Woods is a billionaire — here’s how he spends his money and lives his life

Tiger Woods is a billionaire. This is how he spends his money and spends his life
Tiger Woods is one of the greatest athletes in sports history.
Tiger Woods offers tips on how to play. Kevin S. Cox/Getty Images
Woods’ career was once overlooked, but he made a remarkable comeback with a fifth Masters title and could become a regular on the senior tour in a few years.
He is one of the highest paid athletes according to Forbes and is now a billionaire. Woods spends his money on yachts, private jets and large villas off the course.
A plane full of professional football players “could have died” when the cabin lost pressure and oxygen shortly after take-off.
A man caught in a sports avalanche said he felt like he was in a “concrete bathtub”.
Tiger’s PGA Tour career appears to be over, but there are signs that he will become a regular on the golf tour in a few years when he turns 50. Meanwhile, she can spend more time living a life of luxury with her kids, cars, house and toys.
Watch The Fantastic Life of Tiger below: Tony Manfred and Mary Hanbury contributed to an earlier version of this article.