Breaking: Phil Mickelson disqualified for life participation in the United States open to break the rules …

Breaking: Phil Mickelson disqualified for life participation in the United States open to break the rules …

Breaking: Phil Mickelson disqualified for life participation in the United States open to break the rules …



Phil Mickelson risked open disqualification of the United States with a cheeky act, Phil Mickelson amazed his rivals and fans when he made the controversial decision to play a ball at the 2018 United States Open, and his reaction only united the fire

Glory escaped Phil Mickelson at the US Open throughout his stellar career. Instead, he became synonymous during his national open with nearest miss and a particularly bizarre incident. Mickelson has finished second six times at the US Open and his chances of winning a career Grand Slam are fading: the 53-year-old hasn’t won a tournament in three years. Unfortunately for Lefty, his main memories at the US Open are the heartbreaking and controversial decision at Shinnecock Hills in 2018. Mickelson was out of contention this week on the back nine of the third round when he reached the par-4 13th No. 10 at 10-over. He missed a slippery 18-foot bogey putt on another hole, then mistimed the ball as it rolled over the cup and into the second-shot zone. But astonishingly, the six-time major champion chased the ball and took another hit before it stopped moving, sending the ball flying out of the hole and onto the putting surface. Mickelson wasn’t cheating, but he was bending the rules in his favor. If Mickelson’s ball had left the green, he would have been left with a dangerous chip. He made the calculated decision to accept the two-shot penalty for hitting a moving ball to avoid the problem of getting back onto the green super-fast.


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