shocking news: tiger Woods will not ever play again in Dubai because of his

shocking news: tiger Woods will not ever play again in Dubai because of his

Shocking news: Tiger Woods never plays in Dubai -for him


Emirates Golf Club Maig Credit Action Tiger Woods: Dubai Dessert Classic

Christmay, a General director of Dubai Golf, believes that if Tiger Woods adds a foreign tournament to a limited schedule, Dubai Dessert Classic will be the top of his list.

15 large winners have a rich story with major Middle East, played eight times in tournaments, and won two honorary trophy of Dara. But Woods hasn’t returned to the Dubai Golf-managed Emirates Golf Club in May since missing the 2017 Dubai Desert Classic because of a back injury.

It also marked Woods’ last professional debut outside the primarily U.S.-based PGA Tour. The former world number one has since undergone several spinal surgeries and suffered career-threatening foot and ankle injuries in a car accident in 2021.

When he reached his 24th consecutive Masters Tournament earlier this year, it was just the fourth time Woods had completed four rounds in the tournament since defending his 2020 Masters title. All these issues have limited Woods’ playing schedule, with him scheduled to play only four major championships this year and the Genesis Invitational as he continues to return from right ankle surgery.

However, Woods himself said last year that he would like to play once a month from now on, and it is expected that he will be able to play more tournaments next season as he becomes even stronger. Could he come back to the Dubai Desert Classic for one last hurrah?

Asked if he could meet Tiger Woods in Dubai, May replied, “I wouldn’t say no.” “It would be great if he could come back and play again. Of course a lot will depend on his personal fitness but if there is a tournament he plays overseas it would probably be the Dubai Desert Classic. “If he remembered when he played last, he pulled one round from his back problem. I think it’s good to return and play again. It’s up to him to decide if this is actually possible and if he wants to focus only on major championships.

“Given what’s happened this year, I think he’s realized he needs to play a few more tournaments to get his game in shape for the majors. He can’t just show up and perform in the majors. “I know, that would be great, I think if that happened the tournament would definitely sell out, but who knows. Let’s see if we can make it happen.”

If he does play in Dubai again, the Dubai Desert Classic’s marketing team will need to come up with another epic stunt to mark his return.

In 2004, Woods hit a ball off the helipad at the Burj Al Arab. It’s estimated that within 24 hours, images of the stunt had appeared in around 4,000 publications around the world.


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