Congratulations to The greatest gymnast of all time Simone biles is officially the first woman to have bought a new …… full details below

Congratulations to The greatest gymnast of all time Simone biles is officially the first woman to have bought a new …… full details below

Congratulations to The greatest gymnast of all time Simone biles is officially the first woman to have bought a new …… full details below

The Greatest gymnast of all time, Simone Biles is officially the first woman to have executed the Yurchenko double pike vault at the World Gymnastic Championships and now, at the Biggest World sporting festival in the world, Olympic Games in France .

The Yurchenko double pike vault is considered a herculean execution and the most difficult task, however, the greatest of all time, has been able to successfully performed it consecutively.

Based on her historic execution of the Yurchenko Double Vault Spike, it’s now named after her as Biles ll.

Simone Biles has also submitted the original copy of her invented elements on the bar to be outdoored and named after her.


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